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Empower Growth through Astrology and Tarot Cards

Gradient Ocean
Birth Chart Reading
Birth Chart Reading 
Relationship Compatibility
Relationship Reading
Predicting Events
predicting events
Aerial View of Barren Land

Finding a Deeper Meaning Through Astrology

I consider myself very fortunate by studying Vedic Astrology from Ernst Wilhelm from the last eight years to understand life from the lens of Vedas. It has been an exciting learning for me because continuous self improvement has been my key priority in life and my birth chart has served as a mirror to see accurately what needs to be improved.
Sri Yukteswar said "Learn to behave". Birth Chart helps us understand our bad lajjitadi avasthas which screw us and make our life miserable and those can be consciouly worked upon and improved . It also enables us to see our evolutionary path in a better light that we want to embrace so as to make our lives enjoyable.
I have realized that remedies like Baach Flowers, Gems, Mantras can help us heal significantly and thus help us to take charge of our kingdom of life positively. We can also come to terms with the path we are meant to traverse on earth with a healthy perspective.

May God's light shine through us. Aum Shanti.

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